8 Facts about Fiber Optics You May Not Know

We might be a little biased but in our opinion, fiber optic internet is one of the most exciting technological advances the world has made in the past century! Even though it’s been around for a while there are still so many interesting things to learn about it. So join us today as we walk through some of our favorite fun facts about fiber internet!

Fact 1: Fiber Optics Are Small But Strong
Did you know that fiber optic cables are made from thin strings of glass? These strands are generally 0.125mm or .0005 inches in diameter which is about one-tenth the width of a human hair! You wouldn’t think that something so small could be strong, but in reality fiber optic cables have more than eight times the pulling tension of a traditional copper wire. 

Fact 2: Fiber Optics Have All the Power, Without The Electricity
One of the most defining features of fiber optics is that they use light to transfer data instead of electricity. This comes with a wide variety of benefits, most notably that they are non-conductive, which makes them less likely to generate heat and catch fire. 

Fact 3: FIber Optics Are Fast And Sustainable 
You already know that fiber optic cables are made from glass but did you know that glass, aka silica, is the second most abundant element on the planet? This makes it unlikely that there will be a shortage of the materials needed to create fiber optic cables anytime soon! 

Fact 4: Fiber Optics Are A Future-Proof Technology 
Fiber optic networks guarantee our ability to meet the ever-growing demands for bandwidth as technology advances! With current speeds of up to 100 Gbps available and the ability they have to be upgraded, fiber networks offer unparalleled potential, ensuring we stay in sync with the latest technological advancements! 

Fact 5: Fiber Optics Are Weather Resilient and Durable
Even though fiber optic strands are small they are extremely durable when it comes to fluctuating weather conditions! Unlike metal-based counterparts, fiber cables transmit light rather than electricity, this makes them less susceptible to weather-based interference and brittleness that is caused by fluctuations in temperature. 

Fact 6: Fiber Optics Are Safe And Secure
Fiber optic internet is one of the safest ways to transmit data! Since it uses pulses of light to transfer data it emits no electromagnetic energy making it harder for hackers to intercept and access the information. This use of light can also lead to faster detection and resolution due to the interruption of the light signal that happens when someone tries to intercept a fiber connection. 

Fact 7: Fiber Optics Are Energy-Efficient
Fiber optics are an energy-efficient technology! Compared to copper wires that take about 3.5 watts to send light 1km, fiber only needs 1 watt for a fiber optic cable to send light the same distance. 

Fact 8: Fiber Optics Have Layers 
Like ogres, fiber optic cables have layers that help them function correctly! Each layer is important and has its own purpose in helping the cable function correctly, here’s how a standard fiber optic cable breaks down: at its center, you have your glass strands that carry light from one end to the other. Then around those strands, there is a protective coating that shields the fiber strands from any interference. The last layer is called the outer jacket, and it ensures that any light stays in the fiber strands while adding another level of protection. 

We hope you enjoyed learning more about the incredible things that make fiber optic internet an exciting technology! If you’d like to learn more about fiber optic networks like UTOPIA Fiber and how we do things differently you can check out our UTOPIA Fiber Difference page.