If there’s one thing we love more than providing fast internet it’s talking with our customers about their experience and answering their questions! We believe that questions are an important part of life and learning especially when it comes to your internet connection! That’s why we put together this list of your most frequently asked questions and their answers to put your mind at ease.

What is the difference between UTOPIA Fiber and my ISP?

We get this question a lot! To put it simply UTOPIA Fiber is the fiber-optic infrastructure, we build out the fiber lines to different cities and then allow Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to use our infrastructure to provide the actual internet services to our customers! Think of it like an airport, we are the airport with different runways, gates, and terminals. The ISPs are the airlines that use the airport to provide customers with services.

What do I do if my sprinkler is damaged during my installation?

Damage to your sprinkler system is an unfortunate incident that can happen when getting your fiber installed but we are here to help. We guarantee that any damage caused by our crews while installing your fiber line will be covered by us! If you notice any damage to your property or sprinkler system, give our customer service team a call and they will get you set up with a plan to get it fixed! You can give them a call at (801) 613 3880 or send them an email at support@utopiafiber.com

How do I get service to my HOA?

We love to service HOAs, but it depends on your HOA if you will be able to get our service. Since HOAs are on private roads, we can’t build our network in that area unless the HOA board gives us permission to. If you are interested in us coming to your HOA fill out this form and our team will reach out to your HOA to set up a meeting!

How will I know when service is available in my area?

Great question! You can actually check your whole city’s availability map on our website. If you go to our buildout timelines page here, you can check to see when each footprint in the city is projected to be complete. We also announce any footprint releases on all of our social media channels to let residents know when they are connected!

Though timelines are subject to change due to construction or permit delays these times will give you a good idea of when you can expect to be connected to our network! If you’re not sure what footprint you are you can look on the city map located under each city to see what footprint you fall under!

What is a footprint?

A footprint means something a little different at UTOPIA Fiber. When we start building out a city we break it up into smaller sections which we call footprints. When we complete all the addresses in a footprint we announce its release and let residents know they can sign up for our services! You can check out what footprint you’re in by going to our buildout timelines page!

What do I need to do if I want to cancel my services or change my speeds?

Since your ISP is the one that is providing the actual internet services, they will be the one you need to contact to cancel your service or change your internet speeds! When you make these changes with your ISP they will let us know and we will update our system accordingly. You can find a full list of their contact information here

How do I get UTOPIA Fiber in my city?

We love getting this question! It is our goal to provide as many cities as possible with fast, reliable fiber-optic internet and we are always looking to partner with new cities! The best thing that you can do if you’d like us to come to your city is to reach out to your city council. Let them know that you’d like us to come to your city. The more resident interest your city council receives the better!

How does billing work?

We do billing a little differently. Instead of one bill every month you will have two; one from UTOPIA Fiber and one from your ISP. The reason there are two bills instead of one is because UTOPIA Fiber isn’t an internet service provider and is a separate company from your ISP. We provide the infrastructure and the ISPs provides the internet service on that infrastructure. Your bill to UTOPIA Fiber will be $30 and your ISP bill will vary based on the speed and service you sign up for with them!

Where can we find outage and maintenance notifications?

We have a whole Twitter page (@UTOPIAFiber_Status) dedicated to letting you know when we have outages or any planned maintenance. If you don’t have a Twitter account don’t worry, you don’t need to have an account to view our posts on this account!

You say you’re “open access”. What does that mean?

Being an open access network means that we provide the fiber-optic infrastructure and then allow other companies to use our infrastructure to provide internet service. Being an open access network promotes healthy competition between providers keeping prices low and our customer’s options open!

If I don’t like my ISP can I switch?

Absolutely! If you’re not satisfied with your ISP all you need to do is give us a call! Let us know which ISP you’d like to switch to and we will get that set up for you!

Why do projected completion times get pushed back?

There are a couple of different reasons the projected time of completion for your area may be pushed back. The most common reasons are a delay in permits needed to build or some unforeseen complication during construction. If the date has been pushed back, know that we are working to make sure you are connected as soon as possible!

My speeds aren’t what I signed up for. How can I fix this?

We understand the frustration that not getting the speeds you signed up for can cause. There can be a couple of different reasons you might not be getting the speeds you need. The best thing to do if you are experiencing issues with your speed is to reach out to your ISP. They will be able to walk you through most problems you may encounter with your speeds. You can find their contact information here. You can also visit our troubleshooting page here to see our suggestions for common problems customers experience.

We hope this blog answered all your burning questions about UTOPIA Fiber! Did we miss any questions you had? If you still have questions please reach out to us. Our customer service team is amazing and loves to answer any questions you may have about our services. You can reach them Monday through Thursday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Give them a call at 801-613-3880 or send them an email support@utopiafiber.com. You can also reach out to us on social media! You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Reddit and Twitter, send us a DM with your questions and we will get back to you!