Interview With A Customer Service Representative

One of the best things about UTOPIA Fiber is the people that work here, and the dedication they have to providing the best internet connection to our customers. That’s why we are super excited to announce our new blog series where we will be interviewing different employees at UTOPIA Fiber to give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into Team UTOPIA! In today’s interview, we’re talking to customer service representative Dexter Adams to get all the details about what it’s like working on the UTOPIA Fiber customer service team.

What’s your name and how long have you been at UTOPIA Fiber?

My name is Dexter Adams, I’ve been at UTOPIA Fiber for two and a half almost three years.

What’s the most common question you get as a customer service rep?

My most common question is “Why is my bill, not an automatic payment” because they have two separate bills, the internet provider’s bill, and our bill. It can be a little confusing that way but I’m always glad to walk them through it.

What’s the best solution for people who are confused by having two separate bills?

The best solution is to be a little more attentive to the emails. Because a lot of people don’t pay attention to their emails these days, and that’s how we do our main correspondence, through email.

What’s been your favorite interaction with a customer?

There was this guy, and it was like he was giving one-liners, and dad jokes every other sentence, and the whole time I was on the call I was just dying laughing trying to get through that call.

What do you wish people knew about UTOPIA Fiber?

Just how small of a company we really are. People see UTOPIA and they think all internet companies are some big conglomerate but we really are just a small team. I think people would be way more surprised at how efficient we are for how little we are compared to other companies. We have like 7 customer service reps, 6 of them on the phone and 1 person calling contracts. So, I mean if almost a hundred thousand customers do that, business customers as well, it is a lot for our small team to handle but I feel we handle it pretty well.

If you could tell every customer one thing, what would it be?

That we have the best internet. Yeah, it’s just hands down the best. I’ve had our competitors and it’s just not the same. My gaming speeds are way slower, you know my ping time and all that. It really is the best internet. When I did have UTOPIA Fiber, I didn’t have any issues, I never had to call the internet provider to find out what is going on.

What’s the best thing about fiber internet?

The reliability of it and how fast we are able to get people who are down back up. I’ve been with a competitor, and I’ve been down for like 3 to 4 days and that’s just because I can’t get a hold of anybody to come fix the internet and then it’s even more time for them to get out there. With UTOPIA it’s like we are super responsive, and we are just on it to get it done.

What is your favorite part about working for UTOPIA Fiber?

Definitely the people. We have such a weirdness I want to say, because weird to me isn’t a bad thing. Weird to me is just a bunch of different people here who have different interests and you learn so much about people. Like how Casey Sledge is a rock star, who knew that? So, it’s nice just to see how everyone opens up to each other and really cares about UTOPIA as a whole.

What do you think makes UTOPIA Fiber Unique?

Again, the people for sure. We are all dedicated to one cause. So with everyone’s different perspectives and views it’s all to make UTOPIA Fiber better. I think that’s my favorite thing about it.

Who would you say is your favorite coworker?

You’re going to get me in trouble for this one. It would definitely be Shellie. She always has a positive optimistic outlook on things even when you can tell she’s about to pull her hair out. She’s always happy, always trying to push a positive note.

What is your favorite way to answer the phones?

My saying is “We are having a great day here at UTOPIA Fiber”, and when people walk through the door by me, I say it loud to them “Hope you’re having a great day at UTOPIA Fiber” or something to the effect that it’s going to be a great day at UTOPIA Fiber, because it always is.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know one of our incredible customer service reps! We appreciate all the hard work that Dexter and all of our customer service representatives do. If you ever need help with anything you know you can count on them to help you through the problem! (You can find their contact information here)

Who should we interview next? Let us know on our socials if there is a department you would like to hear from. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Reddit, TikTok and Instagram.