Interview With A Social Media Coordinator

You know what time it is! Time for a new interview with one of our incredible employees for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into life at UTOPIA Fiber! This month we’re talking to our Social Media Coordinator Lexi Madsen to get the scoop on what it’s like working on the marketing team here at UTOPIA Fiber! 

What’s your name, and position, and how long have you been at UTOPIA Fiber?
My name is Lexi Madsen. I am the social media coordinator slash video editor and I’ve been at UTOPIA Fiber for about a year and a half now.

What do you do as the Social Media Coordinator/Video Editor at UTOPIA Fiber?
So I plan out all the content that goes on our social platforms. I create the graphics, film all the videos, get them edited, and then get them scheduled to be posted.

What does a typical workday look like for you? 
I start my day by checking all the socials for comments and messages, and responding to those, helping out customers where I can. Then I go through the content schedule, creating the graphics and videos for it, getting them posted with captions, and then after that it’s really just whatever needs to be done that day, social media-wise. There’s also editing, lots of video editing, and yeah, pretty simple but pretty fun.

What inspired you to go into Marketing?
It actually started in high school, I took a video production class my junior year and fell in love with it. But then I decided I wanted to give healthcare a shot. So I went to college for healthcare for two years and I did CNA and EMT. Then my sister signed up for a course for digital marketing and analytics, and I thought that could be fun. So I signed up with her and I just absolutely fell in love with marketing and social media. Just being able to create content, have fun with it, and really express who I am as a person is really appealing to me. I really love what I do.

What led you to work at UTOPIA Fiber? 
Haha, the real answer? I was looking for marketing positions on Indeed and I found you guys! But then after learning more about UTOPIA and its mission I was really inspired to work here and I love it! 

What do you think is the biggest obstacle you face in your position?
Not enough time in the day to get everything done specifically video-wise, because I’m doing like 2 to 3 videos a month, but I wanna bust out one or two videos a week. So it’s just not enough time in the day. To get filming, done, editing, done, graphics, done, and scheduling, done. So I think that’s my biggest obstacle.

What’s your favorite thing about working at UTOPIA Fiber?
Definitely, the work environment and management because it feels like we’re one big family here truthfully. I know that’s cliche to say because that’s what everyone here says, but genuinely the work environment at UTOPIA Fiber is just unmatched. I’ve never worked for a company that treats its employees as well as UTOPIA does and genuinely cares for them and their well-being. Pus everyone here likes to have fun.

What’s been the funniest memory you’ve made at UTOPIA Fiber so far? 
Oh, I don’t know. Probably when we pied our execs for that video, that was fun. That and just some of the conversations that I’ve had with coworkers here. They’re just so funny, that I can’t really pinpoint one exact conversation. 

What do you wish people knew about UTOPIA Fiber?
I would say the one thing that I wish people knew about UTOPIA Fiber was that because we’re an open-access infrastructure you have the ability to choose your own internet service provider so you’re not stuck with one. I also really like how there’s no contract. So you’re not stuck to anything and you can switch anytime you want. Also, I wish people knew that UTOPIA Fiber is just all-around an A+ company, they have the rizz. (marketing team joke) 

What do you like to do outside of work to unwind? 
During Ski season you’ll probably find me up at Brighton shredding fresh pow or going to Running Park and then during the summer I love golfing or camping on the weekends or fishing. Pretty much just anything outdoors, I love being outside.

That wraps up today’s interview! We hope you enjoyed getting to know Lexi as much as we did! We are so grateful to her and all of our incredible employees here at Team UTOPIA who make our mission of bringing fast fiber internet to our cities possible! 

Let us know who you think we should interview next! You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Reddit, TikTok, and Instagram.