Interview With An IT Manager

We’re back with another exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the departments here at UTOPIA Fiber! This month, we’re chatting with IT Manager Blaine Clegg to learn all about what it’s like to work in the Information and Technology department at UTOPIA Fiber!

What’s your name, and position, and how long have you been at UTOPIA Fiber?
I am Blaine Clegg. My position is Information Technology Manager and this time I’ve been at UTOPIA for about seven years. I was here for about three years before that as well. Took a brief hiatus and worked for Veracity Networks and did systems for them.

What do you do as the IT Manager at UTOPIA Fiber?
A lot of things I have a lot of hats that I wear. I primarily deal with the technology here for the office and for the group as a whole. So, that can range anywhere from getting you a laptop to taking care of the firewalls, to email to security, to cameras, to everything. The only thing I don’t deal with is the Coke machine.

What does a typical workday look like for you? 
Chaotic. Yeah, I have a lot of different things that just kind of land in my lap every single day. I try to plan out projects and get projects done. But a lot of times I’m just dealing with different issues that pop up; people having problems with their computer or their password or the Wi-Fi or TVs or whatever it may be. I’m just kind of dealing with all those things, so I have about 110 bosses here, that kind of dictate my day.

What led you to work at UTOPIA Fiber? 
I had a friend that was working here and he recommended that I apply for the IT position. It’s something I’ve been doing for about a decade and just really kind of enjoyed it. He suggested I apply, so I came and talked to the group here, it seemed like a really good fit and I’ve been loving it ever since. I love the product, I was actually one of the first of the group there in Orem to get service with UTOPIA and I’ve loved it and enjoyed it.

What do you think is the biggest obstacle your team faces?
That’s a great question, there are many. I think that the biggest challenge to any IT group is proper communication within the group, but it’s also communication with each and every department within the company. It’s important for us to know what problems you run into and what tools you need and then we need to figure out how to provide those for you. So we’re just trying to make sure that you’re able to do the job that you need to do.

What’s your favorite thing about working at UTOPIA Fiber?
10 gig fiber. That and the ice machine, those two things are the best part. It’s a complete flex. We don’t need a 10-gig connection, but it’s really nice.

What’s been the funniest memory you’ve made at UTOPIA Fiber so far? 
Well, the funniest is learning about Jesse’s calendar. My favorite memory though is some of the company parties, especially when we had the white elephant gifts. We’ve had some really crazy ones in the past and it was a lot of fun. I think one of the business guys, I think it was Brad, maybe it was somebody else, but he brought a lobster in a live lobster with dollar bills rubber-banded to his claws.

What do you wish people knew about UTOPIA Fiber?
That we care about the product and we care about the cities that we’re serving. I think if people understood that it would be really easy to make the choice to support it and continue with it.

What’s been your best day at work?
The best day at work is typically when we have the engineering barbecues, there have been many and they’ve all been fantastic.

Outside of work what’s your favorite thing to do to unwind from work? 
I help coach a mountain biking team. So going out and cycling is, is a good release of stress. I love driving. I love music. I love spending time with my family, that’s probably the first and foremost. It’s fun to hang out with my kids. I’ve got young kids and I’ve got adult kids and they’re, they’re just a lot of fun to play with.

That wraps up today’s interview! We want to give a huge round of applause to Blaine and his amazing team for their daily dedication and hard work that keeps UTOPIA Fiber moving forward. We couldn’t achieve our goals without the hard work they put in every day!

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